My Other 25th Birthday Gift

I took a blogging break throughout August and September so that I could focus on planning our late September wedding, our short but sweet honeymoon to Newport, Rhode Island, and trips to two of my cousins’ weddings all packed into a two month period. But that whirlwind of activity wasn’t the only reason I went on hiatus. I’ve had a lot of changes in my life throughout the past year, and while I thought after getting through the last couple of months I’d want to start pouring my energy into growing this blog again, I’m not sure it’s the right space for my life right now.

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A Blogging Break

I’m sorry for the abrupt hiatus here on the blog. I didn’t realize until yesterday that it’s been 2 weeks since my last post, when I talked about having to withdraw from the New York City Marathon this November. It was not my intention to take a blogging break after making that announcement. However, I’ve had a lot going on over the past couple of weeks. Lots of things in real life that have taken priority over posting, especially planning my wedding which is coming up at the end of September! Since I don’t want to be writing half-hearted posts, I’m planning to mostly take a blogging break now until after our wedding. That way I can come back strong, with lots of new ideas to share when I have the time to give writing and the blog the attention it deserves. I’ll still be reading and commenting on others, and I’ll be back writing again in about six weeks!







© 2016 Renaissance Runner Girl. All rights reserved.

Weekly Workouts and Updates 7/25-7/31

Before I recap my weekly workouts and updates, I want to give a shout out to Coach Laura, who has been an incredible source of information and support throughout the past month and a half I spent beginning my marathon training plan. If you’ve been reading along this summer, you’ll know that I began having some hip pain in early July that turned into a full-on injury, and as a result, I’ve decided to focus on recovery and will be deferring my entry to the New York City Marathon until next year.





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July Monthly Recap

July is usually one of my favorite months. With the Fourth of July at the beginning – barbecues, ice cream, fireworks – and my birthday toward the end – cake, more ice cream, birthday candles – there’s always been a lot to celebrate. When I was younger, I was usually away at camp for most of the month. Later on, in high school and college and law school, I was studying or doing an internship. Now, I’ve spent most of the month doing the same thing I did for the first six months of the year, but like the rest of summer, it still feels a little different. If nothing else, there’s definitely more ice cream to be seen in my July monthly recap than there was in February or March or April. And that’s saying something because we all know how much I love ice cream…



Deborah Ann's Banana Chip 6-25-16

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Celebrating A Quarter Century

Yesterday was my 25 birthday, and we spent much of the weekend prior celebrating a quarter century of my life. Aside from all the jokes about how I’m really old now, it was a lot of fun and I’m grateful to the friends and family who make every day of life special, not just my birthday. 



gluten free funfetti birthday cake



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Weekly Workouts and Updates 7/18-7/24

Since I’m currently contending with a hip flexor injury, my marathon training has scaled back. I only ran twice this week, both for much shorter and easier runs, and I plan to continue resting my hip for the next week or two until I see a sports medicine specialist and get to physical therapy. I’ll keep sharing my more limited weekly workouts and updates on how I’m healing in my Monday posts.


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My First Running Injury

For those who follow along with my weekly workouts posts, it will come as no surprise that I’ve been having some hip flexor pain lately. What you may not know is that I had a similar injury two summers ago, in my other hip, and I’ve been thinking about that experience a lot lately as I try to figure out how to rest, recover, prevent further or future damage, and also get back on track with marathon training.





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WIAW #65

More hot days and long runs, more easy summer eats to refuel in this WIAW. Yesterday after my morning 5 miles, I refueled with a cup of coffee and a goat milk yogurt at my apartment before heading to work and digging into my real breakfast.



Goat milk yogurt


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Weekly Workouts and Updates 7/11-7/17

My mileage was supposed to increase this week, after last week’s cutback, but I ended up running a little less than last week instead. My left hip has been sore lately – which surprised me when it first started to ache because up to this point, all my injuries have been on the right side of my body, including a broken ankle ten years ago, tendinitis in my knee, and a pulled hip flexor two summers ago. While having to work with and around an achy hip isn’t my first choice for the second month of marathon training, I still think overall it’s going as well as the first, because I’m focusing more on ways to stretch, strengthen, and stabilize my hip and other joints and that should be beneficial in the long run.



Flowers in Ridgefield, CT


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Five Tips for Summer Running

I’ve been thinking lately about how to make the most of summer running, because while I love this season and particularly this month (fireworks and my birthday, what could be better?) the heat and humidity in the Northeast can mean training is a challenge. I am not a natural warm weather runner, and in fact I sweat and eventually wilt in the heat, so it amazes me that I can accomplish what I do, looking back. How do I do it? I follow these five tips for summer running, for the other runners out there who would rather require long sleeves for a long run than an ice bucket to pour over their heads afterwards.


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