Welcome to take two of What I Ate Wednesday! I’ll definitely be posting these the first Wednesday of every month, but since I’m blogging more and getting into the habit of photographing things (even the ones so delicious I don’t want to wait to taste them) I’ll do an extra round of WIAW every now and then. It’s so much fun to see what everyone else linking up at Peas and Crayons and Clean Eats Fast Feets is enjoying for their eats! This WIAW was prompted by a few things. First, the day documented here is the Tuesday after the NYC Half Marathon (even though it was Sunday, I was still in ‘eat all the food’ mode). Second, it was also the day that one of my very best friends in the world was scheduled to have her first child – and since she and her husband live on another continent, I spent a few hours waiting by Skype for some good news and snacking all the time! And third, it was during my law school spring break week so I had even more extra time to sit around and snack. (Also, this is officially my last spring break ever! Crazy.)


Greek yogurt with peanut butter, blueberry jam, a crumbled Peanut Butter Cuppin, and extra peanut butter!

A PB&J Crispy Cup!

Breakfast: I had the luxury of sleeping until 8:30 am (I’m on break, but I’m an early-to-bed and early-to-rise type. Anything past 9am is shocking these days!) I began my day with a mug of decaf Cake Boss Dulce de Leche coffee. Then I had a cherry Dannon Light n’ Fit Greek yogurt, with Barbara’s Brown Rice Crispies, fresh blueberries, and a little peanut butter mixed in. Basically, it was a peanut butter and jelly crispy cup of yogurt. I don’t typically go for the Greek yogurt that has fruit in it, as I prefer to mix in my own fresh fruit, but since I’m in Connecticut at my parents’ house, I get the benefit of a fridge full of Costco finds courtesy of my dad – like 24-packs of Dannon Greek fruit yogurts. I’m not complaining!



Today I took some fresh bananas and whipped up a new twist on my Banana-Maple-Oat Muffins, using one whole banana and a pouch of Gerber's pureed banana - they turned out so creamy and delicious!

A few little bites of heaven – this morning and this afternoon!

Mid-morning snack: For a few days after running a race, I never want to sit down to a huge meal. But I do want to eat little things constantly. I wasn’t in the mood for regular oatmeal (maybe it’s the vaguely springlike weather) so I decided to whip up a batch of muffins. We had a stash of Gerber’s squeezable banana packs because my mom and I thought they might make good on-the-go running snacks, but I don’t really like the taste. However, I thought they might work in muffins, so I used one whole banana and one pack of pureed banana in a twist on my Banana-Maple-Oat Muffins. They turned out creamy and delicious! I had two right from the pan.



A simple salad with fresh ingredients

My own twist on a Greek salad – the Frankly Fresh grape leaves are a great GF + vegan find!

Lunch: A bowl of romaine, carrots, and red cabbage, with Annie’s raspberry vinaigrette, feta cheese, a grape leaf, and grilled chicken. Both lunch and dinner today are totally courtesy of Costco ingredients. Some people might disparage big box stores (and they have for decades, considering how Tom Hanks talks about them in You’ve Got Mail) but it’s so much more cost-effective than a regular grocery store, ESPECIALLY for healthy whole foods. When I compare prices on, say, apples or lettuce, to those in a grocery store in NYC rather than in Connecticut, I cry a little inside. For example, a 3-lb (48 oz) bag of this Dole salad blend is $2.99 at Costco, whereas a 12 oz bag is $3.49 at an NYC Food Emporium or D’Agostino. Sigh. Moving on!



My pre-run snack smiled back at my today!

My snack smiled back at my today!


Afternoon snack: A couple more of those marvelous muffins, with fresh blueberries and a cup of decaf coffee.







My own delicious and nutritious "spaghetti and meatballs"

GF “spaghetti and meatballs”

Dinner: For my main course, I had a bowl of gluten-free, high-protein ‘spaghetti and meatballs’ made with this black bean spaghetti we found at Costco. It packs a wallop of protein and complex carbs and tastes great with sauce and cheese – definitely not like typical pasta, so don’t expect that, but if you like black beans, I’d recommend giving it a try! I tossed in some mirepoix (carrots, peas, corn, and green beans) and garlic and mozzarella chicken meatballs, and topped the whole thing with Parmesan cheese. Filling and delicious!



Sweet and snappy

Sweet and snappy


Dessert: I kept it simple with a bowl of Angie’s sweet and salty kettle corn and a Pink Lady apple (you must know I’d squeeze one in somewhere!) A sweet treat to end the day.






What was your favorite meal today? Are you a snacker or do you stick to three square meals a day?




© 2015 Renaissance Runner Girl. All rights reserved.

12 thoughts on “WIAW #2

    • Thank you! I agree about having fun – for a long time, I treated food like something to conquer or shy away from. But having fun with food is part of embracing the fact that it’s fuel for life, and not just essential, but enjoyable!


    • The sweet and salty is a great one for sure – and the apple adds an extra snap! I tend to prefer sweet snacks in general, but it’s nice to have a little kick. That’s why I’ll sprinkle sea salt on ice cream along with sprinkles.


    • Me too – I sometimes think I’m too busy on days with school/internship/running to stop and fix something that’s not only tasty but visually appealing, but I’m learning that it’s good to make the time. It makes eating more of an experience and not something we do on autopilot.


  1. Angie’s Sweet and Salty is one of my favorites!! Nice use of squeezable banana packs! I’m not sure I would be a fan of them either. I’m a snacker or a smaller frequent meal person most of the time but it also depends on the day.


    • Yes, we weren’t sure about them, but I figured I’d give anything a shot that I’m not allergic to (which is most bars and gels). It’s a good way to use them up — and good to know for the future, when I’m sure I’ll need to feed them to my future kids!


  2. Costco is one of my happy places. I miss going there, but only my parents have a membership! Whenever I am back in town we make a trip to stock up. Cheap, convenient, and there is so much there!

    You banana maple oat muffins sound soooo good! This is is my first time on your blog, as I found you via the WIAW linkup, and you can bet that I am going to go browse through your website to find some more delicious recipes.


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